Publicity_August 1966 to January 1967PUBLICITY 104 Book Page Council discusses wording of one mill publicity Question to be placed on Nov. ballot of Charter Amendments and its meaning and intent. Council discusses combining resort tax amendment with proposal to lift one mill levy for publicity, however items are not combined. 8-31-66 50 517 Additional contribution of $1666.66 (for total of $5000) approved in connec. with Culinary Arts Show, 10/31/66-11/2/66, (contd) 105 PUBLICITY Book Page contd contingent upon equal participation from City of Miami. 9-7-66 51 27 Res. #11966 adopted authorizing Publicity Dept. to prepare and distribute material explaining proposed Charter Amendments and Bond question. 10-19-66 51 135 Reordering of 50,000 "Holiday Handbook" brochures in Spanish, approved and funds authorized from Diversified Promotional Activities budget. 11-23-66 51 190 PUBLICITY $1,000 appropriation approved from Diversified Promotional Activities budget re. telecast of 21st Annual North-South College All-Star Football game, 12/26/66, as recommended by Public Relations Adv. Committee and City Mgr. 11-23-66 51 190 Res. #12026 authorizing execution of 1967 Miss USA -Miss Universe Agreement. 1-11-67 51 324 Council discusses City of Miami's pledge of funds for Miss Universe contest, 1963-64, and subsequent default. 1-11-67 51 327 Book Page 106