Publicity_February to August 1967PUBLICITY
City Mgr. recommends that request of Public
Relations Advisory Committee for extra
appropriation for Spring and Summer advertising
be held in abeyance pending report of Resort
Tax Ad Hoc Study Committee and said request
deferred to Feb. 15, 1967 meeting and in
meantime City Mgr. to schedule meeting with
Advertising Agency, Public Relations Adv.
Committee and Hank Meyer at Feb. 15 briefing
session. 2-1-67 51 363
Council authorized expenditure of funds to
defray cost of filming benefit show
(Convention of Sacred Heart at Carrolton)
(later rescinded) 2-15-67 51 381
($500 from Publicity TV Promotion)
Council rescinds action taken earlier in
meeting re. allocation from TV promotion funds
and special flat rate for use of Auditorium
for benefit show for Convent of the Sacred
Heart. 2-15-67 51 393
Request of Greater Miami Philharmonic Society
for contribution for support of summer
program denied. 4-5-67 51 519
Policy re. distribution of "City Council's
and City Manager's Report to the People".
7-19-67 52 132
Book Page
Request of City's advertising agency to expend
$30,000 to advertise to attract Expo 67 visitors
to Miami Beach, not approved. 7-25-67 52 147
Request of City's advertising agency to expend
$30,000 to advertise to attract Expo 67 visitors
to Miami Beach, approved. 8-9-67 52 182
City Atty requested to prepare ordinance
that will provide for Council selection
of advertising agency on basis of open
competitive bids. 8-9-67
Motion to rescind previous action in
eliminating termination clause from contract
with advertising agency failsfpassage.
6-1-752 2n5
52 184