Publicity_August to December 1967PUBLICITY
Book Pege11°
Consideration of draft of proposed ordinance
to provide that TDA be required to have
competitive bidding, etc.
prior to awarding contract for advertising
services, to be considered later in meeting,
pending written opinion from City Atty. re.
amendment to Code re. powers of TDA.
8-16-67 52 205
1st and 2nd reading of ordinance to
provide that no contract for advertising
services shall be awarded by TDA without
competitive presentation. 8-16-67 52 210
Continuation of billboard program for one
month approved for $1,845. Request for
$150,000 expenditure through April, 1968
referred to TDA for recommendation. 10-4-67 52 331
$400 authorized from Diversified Promotional
Activities Account re. Miami Press Photo-
graphers Annual Dinner. 11-15-67
$14,500 authorized from Diversified Promotion
Activities Account re. Ted Mack telecasting
in Auditorium, 12/11, 12, 13, 18, 19 and 20,
jyv]. Puuiicity uirector to oe advised not
52 414
to make commitment of funds unless approved
by Council. 11-15-67 52 421
Recommendation for Super Bowl Hospitality
expenditure of $1,000 for wives of the national
press given to TDA for consideration. 12-6-67 52 447
Action re. proposed Miss Universe contract for
1968 deferred re. conflicts of dates requested
for Auditorium and Convention Hall for Miss
United States Beauty Pageant, and Miss Universe.
Auditorium and Convention Hall Manager, Hank
Meyer and Mr. Gibson, representing Miss Universe,