Insurance_August 1966 to August 1972INSURANCE
Book Page
Contract for bonds, monies and
securities, depositors' forgery
insurance for 3 -yr. period,
commencing 9/30/66, awarded
Marsh & McLennan on behalf of
Aetna Casualty & Surety Co.,
prepaid premium, $4,841.00 8-3-66 50 456
Contract for Comprehensive General -Auto
Liability insurance awarded to Cosmopolitan
Mutual Insurance Co. and contract for Umbrella
Excess, 3rd Party Liability policy awarded to
Continental Casualty Ins. Co., period from
7/29/67 to 7/29/70. 6-14-67 52 72
Contract for library system insurance coverage
made to Marsh & McLennan, Inc. quoting $5,255.
for 3 years beginning 1/21/68. 12-6-67 52 432
Contract awarded to Flagler Agency, representing
Continental Casualty Co. for fire, extended 315
coverage, vandalism, malicious mischief insurance, &
at annual premium of $20,960.00, for Convention 318,
Hall & Addition. 7-17-68 53 322
Meeting Date
Increase in Umbrella Liability from 5 to
10 million dollars- Ranger/Pan American
Group -Annual premium $6,500 over present
i NtURANCe 19
Meeting Date
On Bayshore Golf Course buildings,
structures, contents- 3year period.
Southern Underwriters, Inc. $39,225.
Umbrella or Excess Liability insurance
for 3 -yr. term awarded to Southern Under-
writers, Inc for their bid as submitted.
$46,500 total.
Mr. Cary advised they were in process of working
out an arrangement with Southern Underwriters
as far as return of premium which would be
deemed excess profits over and above the 22%
they expect to make on the account. 8/16/72