Publicity_December 1968 to January 1969PUBLICITY
Administration's recommendation approved by
Council to deny request and hold same in
escrow. 12-4-68 54 57
Chris Dundee request for use of Auditorium
on December 10, 1968 for closed circuit TV
showing approved. Manager to have Mr. Dundee
have additional off-duty firemen to control
smoke problem. 12-4-68 54 57
Resolution #12601 adopted authorizing execution
of Miss Universe agreement for 1970 pageant with
revisions made by Council at meeting and con-
taining provision in contract for option on
part of City only for 1970 contests based on
same terms and conditions of 1969 contract,
said option to be exercised no later than
July 1, 1969. City Attorney to prepare re-
vised agreement for execution by City and
Pageant officials. Selection in Auditorium of
MISS USA, May 18 to 24, 1969; MISS UNIVERSE,
July 11 to 19, 1969. 12-18-68 54 85
Action deferred to January 15, 1969 on proposed
lease for use of Auditorium by Miss USA and Miss
Universe pageant, at request of Administration.
54 124
City Manager to place matter re. payment of bills
for "THE LET US ENTERTAIN YOU" project sponsored
by M. B. Chamber of Commerce on January 15, 1969
agenda, and advise Baker and McDonnell. 1-2-69 54 130
Council voted to enter into agreement with Hilton
Plaza re. Mike Douglas show presentation which
will emanate from Hilton in February, 1969 --
agreement to be prepared by City Attorney with
Hank Meyer, Ben Cohen, Harry Singer and Hal Cohen --
authorized expenditure not to exceed $50,000.
Agreement to be returned to Council for formal
approval February 5, 1969. 1-15-69 54 147