Publicity_March 1970 to July 1973PUBLICITY Agreement among: Miss Universe, Miss USA, MB Tourist Dev., MB. RES. 12972. Miss Universe, Miss USA, '71 contract deferred to 1-20-71. ....RES.13193 executing contract; discussion re changes. Motion for TDA reimbursement for rent FAILED. City Mgr to include broadcast media in mailings to news media. 125 Meeting date 3-3-70 1-6-71 1-20-71 3-2-71 PUBLICITY 126 Meeting date RES.13251 inviting Peoples' Republic Of China for World Cup Gymnastic Tournamt. 4-21-71 "A11 out" publicity program for RES.13520 2/2/72 wrged by Council. Mr. Louis Kroll, representing Senior Citizens need to be informed of the full program, in- cluding brochures, etc. Council directed City Manager to institute this. 2/2/72 A program for an "all out" clean-up program to be publicized and City Atty. was directed to prepare legislation to empower inspectors to issue summonses for violations, 2/2/72 PUBLICITY 127 Meeting Date Consideration deferred to 4/19/72 on sslary adjustment for Publicity Director Cohen and his assistant Councilman Weinstein asked Administration take appropriate steps to keep public in- formed of all capital improvement projects, etc. He said Hank Meyer, employed by City, be utilized in this connection. Mayor Hall said services of Jack Gardner, City's Publicity Director, should be utilized and Mr. Gardner should get additional help so he could devote more time to important projects. 4/5/72 7/18/73 7/18/73