Public Relations Division_October 1967 to June 1975PUBLIC RELATIONS DIVISION Paragraph G of Section 1 of Ordinance 1605 amended --Ordinance 1666 adopted --providing salary for new classification of Promotion and Special Events Supervisor in News, Promotion and Publicity Dept. 10-18-67 24 BOOK PAGE 52 341 RES, NO. 13590 adopted, authorizing execution of agreement with Hank Meyer Assoc. Inc. for 3-yr.term eff. 4/17/72, incorporating terms & conditions of existing agreement. 4/5/72 Extension of agreement with Hank Meyer Assoc. 4/16/75 Deferred to 5/7/75 meeting. Admin. instructed PUBLIC RELATIONS DIVISION 25 (cont'd) Date to invite Mr. Hank Meyer to be present. Discussion - Council prefers extension of agreement on yearly basis and either Mr. Meyer or his representative to be present at all City Council & Tourist Development Authority meetings. U.M. Meyerson requested Council be furnished with report on promotion, consultations, etc., with Mr. Meyer for the City in the past year. 4/16/75 Discussion of extension of agreement with Hank 5/7/75 Meyer Assoc. (deferred from 4/16/75) Memo's #5138 & 5096. Mr. Meyer appeared and stated he did not want to renew his contract with the PUBLIC RELATIONS DIVISION (cont' d) City but would serve on a per diem basis when the need arises for the City to use his services. Council requested the City Mgr. to meet with Mr. Meyer before a final decision is made, and to then submit a definitive proposal on which the Council can act. Report on negotiations with Hank Meyer for renewal of contract, as directed by Council on 5/7/75. Not reached. Deferred to .lune 4 1975. Report on negotiations with Hank Meyer for renewal of contract, as directed by Council on 5/7/75, (deferred from 5/21/75). Not 26 Date 5/7/75 5/21/75 6/4/75