Insurance_August 1972 to December 1973INSURANCE 26
Meeting Date
City Mgr. advised that the insurance specs had been
reviewed by U. or Miami professor of insurance;
that Marsh & McLennan had reviewed the problem
and suggested no solution. Administration will
continue tts attempts to reduce this cost and has
a 90 -day cancellation clause at pro rata premium
return included in the specs. 8/16/72
Combined Comprehensive General Auto Liability
insurance coverage for 3 -yr term awarded to
Southern Underwriters, Inc. $281,000 advance
annual premium per year. 8/16/72
Malpractice Insurance for 3 -yr. term as
recommended by Administration to lowest bidder
Seitlin & Co. conditioned on reciipt of letter
Meeting Date
or endorsement affording coverage for
licensed medical doctors or physicians from
Agent or carrier. $4,500 per year for 3 -yr
term, as in agreements with emergency medical
service doctors.
Award to Agents of Record for Aetna Life &
Casualty; Adae and Hooper Ins. Inc. and
Financial Planning Assoc. for crime insurance
three year period - $16,615.
Meeting Date
Flisr of Fire Extended C rage Mali ious
chiet on various city �YPdgs w rddecd
to Equity Underwriters, Inc., $75,U00.
All Risk Fine Arts insurance awarded for 1 yr.
at $16,000 to Equity Underwriters, for Unigard
Mutual Ins. Co. with 90 day cancellation. 5/2/73
Memo 4149- Builders' risk insurance awarded
Equity Underwriters on behalf of Calvert Fire
Insurance Company for $12,000,000 coverage,
at 1 yr. premium of $18,000. 9/5/73
Memo 4311 -Res. 73-14207 adopted approving
group health insurance contract, Blue Cross/
Blue Shield and American Bankers Life Assurance
for 3 years commencing 1/1/74.