Public Works Department_January 1977 to December 1978PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 8 (continued) Date to determine the status of the City's ap- plication for Public Works grants. 1/5/77 Dr. James Nicholas of BAC presented recom- 2/16/77 mendations concerning mechanical street sweeping and automobile clearing. Recom- mendations reviewed and referred bac o BAC and Administration with request that there 1) be two test areas, one in north end and one in south end of City; 2) the areas be delineated; 3)an educational pro- gram be undertaken for the individual pro- perty owners in those areas for the main- tenance and cleanliness of their properties and the street area abutting same. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Memo #6242, City Manager's appointments confirmed as follows: Public Works Director - Frank Aymonin Memo #6395, acquisition of Belcher Oil Property 6/22/77 on Terminal Island for relocation of portions of Public Works Yards, PB -76. Oral report ren- dered by Public Utilities Director and City Mgr. Administration directed to furnish written re- port on entire relocation project. 9 Date 3/16/77 Commissioner Weisburd requested that the Admini- 11/16/77 stration make a report on Mr. John Bergacker's claim at Dec. 21, 1977 meeting. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (ADDENDUM) Appearance of Mr, John Bergacker to discuss matters concerning his prior employment. (Place- ment requested by Mayor Haber and Atty. Steve Cypen). (LTC #171-77 filed with minutes of this meeting.) Mr. Bergacker was requested to submit written claim for evaluation by City Mgr. and City Atty. 10 Date 1177777 Mr. John Bergacker heard re: requesting 6/28/78 settlement on termination pay related to prior employment with CMB. No action taken, Memo #7250, Res. #78-15794 adopted, authorizing 12/6/78 execution of agreement with S. Z. Bennett to negotiate for acquisition of Belcher Oil's