Public Works Department_December 1978 to May 1979PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (continued) Terminal Island property, at a fee of 1% of approved appraised value, and if the acquisi- tion proposal is accepted and implemented, an additional 1% will be paid to Mr. Bennett. based upon final sales figure. (Funds avail- able in Public Works Relocation Bond fund). (See Proposed Purchase of Property, Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants) 11 Date 12/6/78 Mr. S. Z. Bennett, City's Real Estate Consul- 3/7/79 tant, appeared and orally reported status of his negotiations for City's acquisition of Belcher Oil Company's Terminal Island property, for relocation of various Public Works functions. He advised that the owners had agreed to accept PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 12 (continued) Date $970,000 for the real property and buildings, which was the City's appraisal, plus the custom- ary bonus of $39,600 (in lieu of atty's fees and court costs incurred in condemnation), plus the cost of removal of the tanks, estimated to be $225,000. The Commission authorized Mr. Bennett, City Mgr., City Atty., to proceed with the acqui- sition on the terms stated, subject to removal costs not exceeding $225,000. Mr. Bennett indi- cated that he would immediately proceed to ob- tain estimates for removal of tanks, and in event cost exceed $225,000, he would return to Commis- sion for further instructions. Commissioner Friedman requested Administration to furnish a report as to whether there will be ample 3/7/79 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (continued) employee parking, and impact on MacArthur Cause- way of additional traffic that will be generated in view of redevelopment and Watson Island park, as well as the City's vehicles. (See Proposed Purchase of Property) 13 Date 3/7/79 Mr. S. Z. Bennett, City Consultant, appeared 5/2/79 and reported that per Commission's instructions at March 7, 1979 meeting, bids were taken on removing surface tanks on the Belcher Oil proper- ty. He advised that the lowest bid received was $415,000, $190,000 in excess of the $225,000 he had been authorized to offer the owners. He also advised that the local manager of Belcher has agreed to present to owners for their