Purchasing Procedures_January to April 1968PURCHASING PROCEDURES Action on City Manager's recommendation to retain Public Administration Service from 1/16/68 thru' 1/31/68 re. difficult transition in purchasing and warehousing setup deferred to 1/17/68. 1-10-68 4 BOOK PAGE 52 499 Continuance authorized of Public Administration Service for Purchasing Division studies from 1/16/68 thru' 2/6/68, for $1,210. 1-17-68 52 523 Comparison of old and proposed purchasing ordi- nance filed. City Manager to have proposed ordinance for Council consideration on 2/21/68. 2-7-68 52 551 PURCHASING PROCEDURES Ordinance amending Code was passed on 1st and 2nd readings establishing revised purchasing procedures. City Manager to place notice in newspaper that ordinance will be considered for adoption on 3/6/68. 2-21-68 53 11 3rd & final reading of purchasing ordinance amendment deferred to 4/3/68. 3-6-68 53 54 5 BOOK PAGE All future proposals and specifications must contain more specific instructions concerning allowance of discounts by bidders in determina- tion of award by City. 3-20-68 53 78 PURCHASING PROCEDURES 6 BOOK PAGE #1690 Hearing conducted & ordinance/adopted on 3rd reading establishing revised purchasing procedures. 4-3-68 53 110 Ordinance passed on 1st & 2nd readings changing title of Purchasing Assistant to Purchasing Agent, no change in salary. 5-15-68 53 190 #1696 Salary ordinance/changing title of Purchasing Assistant to Purchasing Agent (no salary change) adopted. 6-5-68 53 211