Purchasing Procedures_September to April 1979PURCHASING PROCEDURES 10 Date Ord. passed on first reading amending Chapter 9/6/78 31A o1 Code commonly known as City's Purchasing ord. updating terminology, establishing addi- tional duties for the Agent, authorizing nego- tiation in certain cases and establishing petty cash regulations. Hearing and second reading scheduled for 9/20/78 at 2:00 p.m. Hearing held and concluded, Ord. #78-2131, adopted, amending Chapter 31A of Code, com- monly known as City's Purchasing Ord. chang- ing bid limits on formal contracts to $5,000; changing awards responsibilities of City Mgr. and Purchasing Agent, and authorizing telephone PURCHASING PROCEDURES (continued) quotations of up to $1,000 (1st reading 9/6/78). Hearing held and concluded, Ord. #78-2132 adopted, amending Chapter 31A of Code, com- monly known as City's Purchasing Ord., up- dating terminology, establishing additional duties for Purchasing Agent, authorizing negotiation in certain cases, and establishing petty cash regulations (1st reading 9/6/78). Competitive Bids: Commissioner Friedman re- 12/20/78 quested Administration to flag for Commission's attention, all Consent Agenda items in which a bid exceed the previous year's cost and is 9/20/78 11 Date 9/20/78 9/20/78 PURCHASING PROCEDURES 12 (continued) Date over the 7% guidelines established by President Carter. 12/20/78 Memo #7419, providing carbonless paper on an 4/4/79 as -needed basis for a 1 -yr. period commencing on or about May 2, 1979, bid amount: $7,000.00 (estimated). Commissioner Friedman reiterated his request of 12/20/78 for Administration to flag for Commission's attention, all items in which a bid exceedsinflation guidelines es- tablished by President Carter. Awarded to Unijax at prices as detailed on tabulation accompanying Commission Memo #7419. (See Office Supplies -Contracts)