Insurance_December 1973 to September 1975INSURANCE
Memo 4324 -All risk ins. Fire & extended
coverage for Library System for 3 -yrs .
Equity Underwriters (Calvert Fire Inc.)
$2,595. yr. totaling $7,785.
Memo 4642, All Risk Data Processing Ins.
Coverage for new Burroughs B2771-1 Com-
puter System, acceptance and award made
to Adae & Hooper Ins. Inc., alternate
bidder, for coverage with $200,000 de-
ductible on flood & $1,000 deductibe on
all other perils, for 3 -yr advance
premium of $9,600. Coverage for $200,000
deductible on flood for 3 -yr. period at
estimated cost of $4,500 approved.
INSURANCE (Contracts)
Meeting Date
Memo #4871, Cony. Center Insurance coverage,
awarded, Equity Underwriters, Inc., total
amount of bid, $115,290.00 for a 3 yr.
advance premium.
Memo #5287, Comprehensive General and Com-
prehensive Auto Liability Insurance, deferred
to 9/17/75. Councilman Dr. Haber requested
that an investigation be made and report pre-
sented, concerning the fact that Lloyds of
London is precluded from writing insurance in
Fla. except surplus insurance. Councilman
Weinstein requested information concerning
experience of other cities who are "self
insurers". Report to be in 9/17 agenda
INSURANCE Contracts) 24
(cont'd) Date
packet at latest. 9/3/75
Memo #5288, Umbrella Liability Insurance, 9/3/75
deferred to 9/17/75. (See previous entry for info.)
Memo #5289, Ambulance Service Malpractice Li- 9/3/75
ability Insurance awarded Seitlin & Co.,
quoting $5,250 annual premium, to provide
coverage of $100,000 per person/$300,000
aggregate, for 3 yr. term.
Memo 5311, Crime Insurance coverage for 3 yrs.
awarded, Gaynor & Co., Inc., for American
Motorist Ins. Co., lowest bidder and only
bidder meeting specs., except for 30 day versus