Automobile & Trucks Contracts_September 1963 to July 1964AUTOMOBILES & TRUCKS 53 Book Page Bids .for one 4 -door, 6 passenger station wagon for Park Dept. rejected and readvertisement authorized. 9-18-63 46 155 Contract for station wagon for Park Dept. awarded to Austin Ford, $1,926.81 11-6-63 46 235 Contract for 10 4 -door autos for Police Dept. awarded to Monroe Zeder, $20,277.O0. City Mgr to look into possibility of standardizing paid used, (factory paint): instead of special painting used heretofore. 12-18-63 46 348 AUTOMOBILES & TRUCKS 54 Book Page Contract for two, 2 -door, 6--cyl. sedans for Fire Dept. awarded to Monroe-Zeder, $3,038.80 for Chrysler Valiants.y 2-5-64 46 405 Contract for 6 20 -yard garbage bodies less trade-in of 6 bodies only, awarded to Tom Wood Truck Equipment Co. $28,500. 7-15-64 47 132 Contract for 5 -ton hydraulic crane mounted on truck chassis awarded to Shelley Truck and Equipment Co., $19,650 8-19-64 47 180 AUTOMOBILES & TRUCKS 55. Book Page Contract for 15 Police Dept. autos less trade-in of 15 used autos awarded to Dadeland Doge, Inc. $18,760.10 net for the 15 autos. 12-2-64 47 359 Contract for one automobile for Police Chief less trade-in of 1 4 -door 1960 Pontiac Sedan awarded to Munroe-Zeder for Chn. sler Newport $2,543.95 12-2-64 47 360 Contracts for five items of automotive equipment for various depts. awarded. 2-3-65 48 350