Real Estate Appraisers And Consultants_July to August 1972REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS Recommendation of Mr. Bennett and City Atty. re. employment of appraisers approved, and following appraisers employed: Shoreham - Norman - T.C. Slack; Bell Property - Messrs. Leonard A. Bisz & T.C. Slack; Palm Is. - F. Robt. Quinlavin. 3. 7/19/72 REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS 4. S. Z. Bennett, City's Real Estate Consultant, recom- mends employment of Howard Delahanty, MAI, instead of T. C. Slack, who cannot accept assignment to appraise Bell and Shoreham -Norman properties. 8/16/72 S. Z. Bennett makes presentation re. proposed acquisition of Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 6, 41st St. Business Sub. (836-840 W. 42 St.) for off-street parking. Action deferred on employment of an additional appraiser. City Manager to submit recommendations at 9/6/72 meeting, concerning the hiring of a firm to conduct feasibility study for off-street parking requirements in this area. 8/16/72 REAL _ESTATE APPRAISERS AO CONSULTANTS �. Meeting Date Council approved recommendation for Mr. Delahanty's employment. 8/16/72 Note: Mgr. reminded Council of its committment in REs. 13558, adopted 3/1/72, re; determining value by jury through condemnation proceedings on ihoreham- Norman property, Palm Island property. 8/16/72 Mr. Bennett recommended employment of an additional appriaser on Consolo property ( (Tract B) and Lots 5,6,7,Flamingo Sub. 8/16/72 Council authorized employment of an additional appraiser for appraisal based on single-family use as it is presently zoned. 8/16/72