Real Estate Appraisers And Consultants_August 1972 to arch 1973REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS Mr. Bennett recommended retention of an appraiser for Lot 15, Block 40, Alton Beach Realty Co.- 5West Ave. for off- street parking. 6. Meeti na_Date 8/16/72 Mr. Smith (owner of property) was present at meeting and protested necessity of acquiring this property for parking purposes. 8/16/72 Council authorized employment of an appraiser for purposes of getting new appraisal for this property. 8/16/72 REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS 7. Mr. Bennett recommended he be authorized to negotiate with owners of five remaining parcels.(Open Space project 81st St. -87 St. oceanfront property) 8/16/72 Council voted to -lir ct Mr. Bennett and City Atty. to negotiate for acquisition of five remaining parcels and to report to Council. 8/16/72 Mr. S.Z.Bennett asked to employ appraisers re: Meridian Ave. properties in 2/20/73 bond issues. 3/7/73 City Atty. to have Mr. Bennett name the appraisers he proposes to employ and fees involved at 3/21/73 meeting. 3/7/73 REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS Recommendation by Mr. S. Z. Bennett as to employment of appriasers re: Meridian Ave. properties approved for city acquisiton by electorate on 2/20/73. 8. Meeting Date Authority given to Mr. Bennett to employ appraisers, as follows: Re: Lots 1 and 2, Block 7, Amended Golf Course Sub. (N.E.corner of 18th & Meridian). Mr. H.D.Fleming Jr. & Mr. Leonard A. Bisz for $2,000 each. Re: S. 100' of northerly 150' of Lot 1, Block 7A, Amended Golf Course Sub. (N.E. corner of 19 St. & Meridian ) Mr. Harry D. Fleming, Jr. and Mr. Leonard A. Bisz, fee, $1,400. each 3/21/73 3/21/73 3/21/73