Insurance (Contracts)_September to November 1975INSURANCE (Contracts) 25
(cont'd) Date
90 day cancellation clause, $34,521 total Annual
Installment Premium for a 3 yr term. 9/17/75
Memo #5287, Comprehensive General & Auto Li- 9/17/75
ability Ins. for 3 yrs (deferred from 9/3/75)
awarded, Southern Underwriters, Inc. (for Con-
solidated Mutual Ins. Co.) as best alternate bid.
$573,500 Advance Annual Premium per yr. for 3 -yr
Memo #5288, Umbrella Liability Ins. for 3 yrs, 9/17/75
awarded Southern Underwriters, Inc., (for
Houston General and Midland Ins. Co.) as best
alternate bid. $147,500 Advance Annual Pre-
mium pr yr. for 3 -yr term. 1) Admin. to conduct
INSURANCE (Contracts) 26
(cont'd) Date
insurance study of City's Liability Ins. needs
for presentation to Council no later than March,
1976. 2) Councilman Weinstein suggested that
City Mgr. contact Co. Mgr. Goode to obtain co-
operation of County's Insurance Divison so that
City's Ins. Div. may consult them regarding
methods of procedure, method of approach to in-
surance coverage, etc., so that the City can
benefit from their personnel and experience. 9/17/75
Memo #5338, insurance coverage for Library
system books, phamplets, maps, phonograph
records, microfilm rolls, catalog and self list
cards, for 3 yrs, awarded Coleman -Ledbetter -
INSURANCE (Contracts) 27
(cont'd) Date
Buchanan, Inc., representing The Insurance Co.,
of North America, at a total prepaid premium for
a 3 -yr. term of $7,621.00. 10/1/75
Memo #5346, insurance on various city -owned
buildings awarded, Southern Underwriters, Inc.,
representing Old Republic Ins. Co., total
prepaid premium for 3 - yr term, $72,992.00.
Memo #5380, All risk fine arts insurance cover- 11/5/75
ing Bass Museum. Alternate bid awarded to
Murray M. Sheldon Inc., representing Underwriters
at Lloyds of London; amount of coverage $7,057.100,
with a $25,000 deductible per occurrence; $60,000
total prepaid premium for a 3 yr term including tax.