Recreation Department_July 1962 to October 1963RECREATION DEPT. Book 3 Page Action deferred on proposal that a nominal charge of about 25 be made as admission to night time adult entertainment activi- ties at recreation centers. 7-18-62 45 27 Statement of Dade County Board of Public instruction $5,000 (included in Recreation Dept. Budget) for operation of community school program at Ida M. Fisher Jr. High School for year 1962-63 approved for payment. 10-17-62 45 146 Action deferred on matter of fees for the Recreation Centers 11-7-62 45 180 RECREATION DEPT. Book Page Protest/todproposal that certain fees be charged for activities at various recreation centers. Council advises that when matter of fees to be discussed Council would call a public hearing. 11-21-62 45 196 Matter of charging fees for recreation activities referred to Mr. Woody for recommendation. 9-4-63 46 135 Opinion of City.Atty_ read re. proposal that City make charges for recreational facility activities. Report from Jack Woody re. fees read. Council to discuss matter on 2 1963 9-18-63 46 1" RECREATION DEPT. Book Page Discussion re arding admission charges to entertainment facilities. Resolution of Presidents' Council read. Resolution of M. B. Apartment Association read. Letter from Supt. of Recreation read. Dir. of Recreation authorized to make charges for evening events at community centers not to exceed 25, with one free event per week at each center, the free event to be left to the discretion of the Recreation Dir. 10-1-63 46 162