Recreation Department_June to October 1974RECREATION DEPARTMENT 17
Reconsideration of method of paying entrance 6/19/74
fees to Community Ctr. events, req. by Dr.Wikler:
Council voted to reconsider action at 4/17/74 meet-
ing, fwg. which it apprvd. free adm. for MB resi-
dents on presentation Voter Reg.card;non-residents
or persons who cannot produce Reg.card, to pay 50
adm.,effective 7/15/74 for trial period to 9/30/74.
Administration to work out details. (Memo 4394)
Memo #4653, request of Mrs. Stanley Fruchtman, 7/10/74
chairman of the Movie Fund of Biscayne Elem.,
PTA, for City sponsorship of children's movies
to be shown at the Carlyle Theatre for 8 weeks
this summer. To be placed on July 17, 1974
agenda. Administration to meet with Mrs. Fruchtman
and submit further recommendation.
MeetMeeti_aa Date
Request of Mrs. Stanley Fruchtman, Chair- 7/17/74
man of the Movie Fund of Biscayne Elem.PTA,
for City Sponsorship of children's movies
to be shown at the Carlyle Theatre for 8
weeks this summer.
Recommend tuns that PTA Movie Fund
increase admission fee to 50, with City to
make up any differences_provviding there is
no rivate s onsorsh p, for the programs of
an , approved.
Councilman Dr. Wikler requested Council to 10/2/74
restore live bands at Community Center dances
for 7 nights while Councilman Sahl is nego-
tiating with the Musicians Union. Councilman
Sahl advised that he was scheduled to meet with
representatives of the Union on Monday, Oct. 7,
1974 and would report back to Council at the
Oct. 16, 1974 meeting. Council voted to continue
live bands at Community Center dances for seven
nights per week until the Oct. 16, 1974 Council