Recreation Department_December 1977 to September 1978RECREATION DEPARTMENT 35
(continued) Date
and establishing new rental fee schedule. 12/21/77
Report on establishing VITA Courses in M.B. 6/7/78
Parks, (requested by Commissioner Weisburd)
Concept approved for consideration in conjunc-
tion with preparation of Recreation Master
Plan for City.
Consideration of adoption of resolution
abolishing Youth Center Brd. and creating a
General Recreation Advisory Brd. (requested
by Commissioner Weisburd) Withdrawn at re-
quest of Commissioner Weisburd. To be placed
on 8/2/78 agenda. (See Youth Center Adv. Brd,)
Consideration of abolishing four youth related 8/2/78
boards and creating two new boards, one to be
called Miami Beach Youth Congress Board and the
other a Recreational Centers and Parks Facilities
Board (requested by Commissioner Weisburd). De-
ferred to Sept. 6, 1978 meeting. City Atty. to
prepare resolutions (1) abolishing M.B. Youth
Commission, M.B. Youth Economic Commission, Youth
Center Advisory Board, and Parks & Recreation
Advisory Committee and (2) creating two new
Boards: Miami Beach Youth Congress and Recre-
ational Centers and Parks Facilities Board.
Res. #78-15708 adopted, providing for a 14- 9/6/78
member board (each Commissioner to appoint
(continued) Date
2 members), with members to be permanent resi-
dents and/or registered voters of Miami Beach and
and 18 years of age or older, and dissolving
boards indicated: M.B. Youth Commission, M.B.
Youth Economic Commission and Parks and Recrea-
tion Advisory Committee. (Requested by Com-
missioner Weisburd.) 9/6/78
Creating and designating the "Miami Beach
Youth Congress"; providing for its membership;
mode of appointment; and its jurisdiction,
duties and responsibilities. (Requested by
Commissioner Weisburde) Deferred to 9/20/78
for further study, at request of Commissioner