Recreational Department_September to October 1978RECREATION DEPARTMENT
Memo #7072, appropriation for Trustee Dinner- 9/6/78
National Recreation and Park Assoc., Oct. 19,
1978. Appropriation of $3,000 from Contin -
.enc Funds a..roved with followin• conditions:
1. Dinner is held in a M.B. restaurant; 2. All
planning and coordination for event is done
with and through City's Recreation Dept. 3. A
complete report and financial statement is sub-
mitted at the conclusion of the event.
Appearance of Mrs. Dana Herschmann to discuss
VITA Course in Pine Tree Park (scheduled at
9/6/78 meeting). Mrs. Herschmann and other
residents of area appeared and objected to
(concluded) Date
previously approved proposed development of the
park. Administration to hold plans in abeyance
for further review and reevaluation, and until
such time as a workshop meeting is held with
City's recreational consultants and residents
of area and all interested parties, with sub-
sequent report to Commission. Interested
parties will be notified of time and place of
workshop meeting. City Clerk will furnish
transcript of discussion. (See Pine Tree Park,
Comprehensive Rec. & Open Space Master Plan) 9/20/78
Memo #7118, Res. #78-15732 adopted, accepting 10/4/78
grant offer from State of Fla., Dept. of
Health and Rehabilitative Services, and
(continued) Date
authorizing execution of Retardation Program
contract. (See Florida, State of) 10/4/78
For information only: City Mgr. advised that 10/4/78
National Recreation and Park Assn., Convention
Social Event will be using the North Shore Open
Space Park for a barbecue and clambake the
evening of Oct. 18, 1978 from 5:45 to 10:00 pm.,
as set forth in the Manager's communication of
Sept. 28, 1978. (See Parks and Playgrounds)
FOR INFORMATION ONLY: Agreement with Tower 41
for use of City property at 4221 Pine Tree Dr.,
for Succoth services, handled Administratively.