Registration (Voters)_March 1961 to October 1967REGISTRATION (VOTERS) 10. Book Page C of C asks passage of resolution to have County registration books in Miami Beach during the City registration period. Res. #10519 adopted. City Mgr. to study single voters' registration system. 3-15-61 44 4 Revision of election laws to facilitate registration for City and County elections through single registration, etc. proposed. Councilman Cohen and Englander to serve on committee to meet with City Atty and come back with recommendation. 6-8-61 44 89 REGISTRATION (VOTERS) 11. Book Page 1st and 2nd readings ordinance amending Chapter 8 of the Code, providing for re -registration of a person holding a position in the U.S. Government or in the military service. 3-7-62 44 417A 3rd reading ordinance re. re -registration of Federal Employees and Military Personnel absent from the State - Ord. #1439 3-21-62 44 439 Councilman Richard raises questions regarding registration of voters. Discussion. City Clerk clarifies. 5-1-63 45 433 REGISTRATION (VOTERS) 12 Book Page 1st and 2nd reading - ordinance amending Code to adopt State Election Law re. absentee registration of persons in Armed Forces. 7-6-67 52 81 Ord. #1654 permitting absentee registration of military personnel for City elections. 7-19-67 52 126 Discussion re. single voter registration for City and County and City Manager to submit report. 7-19-67 52 132 Memo re. adoption of Single City -County voting registration system. 10-4-67 52 332