Registration (Voters)_October 1967 to February 1968REGISTRATION (VOTERS) 13 BOOK PAGE Action deferred to 11/1/67 re. single City - County voting registration. Communication presented from M.B.Chamber of Commerce favoring single registration. Seymour Rubin contended City's registration laws more re- strictive than Dade County and should be amended; also contended requirement for pre- sentation of citizenship papers had been repealed. 10-18-67 52 359 Report re. adoption of County and City single voting registration deferred to 11/15/67. 11-1-67 52 390 REGISTRATION (VOTERS) Action deferred to 12/6/67 on Single City County voter registration. City Manager to consult with Metro Voting officials re. person registering only once for both the City and State and County. 11-15-67 Single registration of voters not considered by County because of problems, etc., which would result. Absentee voting by hospitalized voters or shut-ins being studied by Charter Review and Revision Board. 1-3-68 14 BOOK PAGE 52 415 52 492 REGISTRATION (VOTERS) Re. single voting registration --action deferred to 3/6/68 re. meeting with Taxpayers' Assoc., County & City voting officials. 2-21-68 53 32 Memo re. meeting with Taxpayers Association, single registration, filed until such time Taxpayers request further consideration. 3-6-68 53 56 Request renewed for adoption of single voting registration. City Manager again directed to meet with Metro officials & report to Council. 5-1-68 15 BOOK PAGE 53 154