Registration (Voters)_September 1969 to September 1971REGISTRATION (VOTERS) Res. #12526 adopted urging Metro to establish North End Voter registration office. 9-18-68 16 BOOK PAGE 53 460 City Atty advised current procedure Meeting date be continued re residency. 10-1-69 18 -yr. -old vote: City Atty to obtain Fla. Atty.Genl.opinion whether City has power to enact legislatn. City Atty's opinion with minutes. RES.13231 to State Legislature to permit vote (Mayor). RES.13232 for submission to electorate of charter amendmt at earliest electn. 3-17-71 (Powell) REGISTRATION (VOTERS) 18 -yr. -old vote: Atty Gen] Shevin communicatn advising charter amendmt required for municipal elections voting. Motion (Dermer) for spec. election on 9-7-71 - no second. ...1st, 2ndreadings passed re 18 -yr old voters and student absentee votes. 3rd reading 9-1. ....deferred to 9-15. 17 Meeting date Single registration: RES.13374 approving single registration, requesting Dade to handle CMB registratn. 5-5-71 8-18-71 9-1-71 9-1-71