Rent Control_November 1968 to August 1969RENT CONTROL 1 BOOK PAGE Action on resolution for memorialization of Dade County Delegation to Florida Legislature to pro- cure enactment of remedial rent protective legis- lation deferred. Public hearing to be called prior to consideration of resolution. Committee appointed to attempt amicable settlement of dif- ferences prior to public hearing. (Rubinowitz, Jacoby, Herman, Magnes, Redman, Dean, Baker, Stegemann appointed.) 11-20-68 54 7 RENT CONTROL 2 BOOK PAGE Resol. #12639 - request for enactment of legislation to permit City & other governing bodies to adopt Ord. requiring the safeguarding of security deposits of tenants under leases &/or purchasers of condominimum or cooperative apts. & insuring their return, together with reasonable rate of interest to be paid upon security; & providing for protection of tenants against excessive rent increases (Jt. Resol. of Councilman Seiderman and May Dermer). 2/19/69 54 204 Resol. #12640 - Support by Dade Delegation of legislation to adequately secure all de- posits made by tenants on leases & all down payments made by purchasers on condominium housing (Intro. by Councilman Weinstein) 2/19/69 54 204 RENT CONTROL Herbert Magnes appeared; suggested remedial rent -control legislation, in view of adoption by Legislature of Bill re Home Rule; requested matter placed on early Agenda. Herbert Magnes'rent-control dis- cussion deferred to 8-20-69. RES.12823 adopted to seek Declaratory Decree from Circuit Court, determining power of City to enact legislation; CC appointed itself Bd.of Inquiry re passage of rent - control law. -'B- Meeting date 7-02-69 8-6-69 8-20-69