Rent Control_September 1969 to February 1970RENT CONTROL
Meeting date
Herbert Magnes appeared; City atty
to prepare Declaratory Decree papers,
submit report, ground rules re Bd.of
Inquiry by 9-17-69 9-3-69
Discussion with Herbert Magnes and
Sheldon Yavitz re CC action on Bd. Of
Inquiry, Declaratory Decree, requests,etc; 9-10-69
on agenda 9-17-69.
Recommendation that no appeal be taken
on Balaban ruling; hearing rescheduled
10-8-69, re testimony, etc.; notices 9-17-69
published, given to HUD, etc.
Meeting date
Motion to meet with committee to
draft ordinance for landlord -tenant
relations, etc.
Emergency ORD.1791 adopted re
housing and rent control regulations;
effective 10-15-69, establishing max.
rents,etc. 10-15-69
Ord. amending Code failed to pass;
Magnes requested placing ORD.1791 on
1-7-70 agenda. 12-15-69
. Mr.Magnes requested put on
agenda of 1-21. 1-7-70
Meeting date
Ord. amending Ord.1791 passed
1st, 2nd readings. 1-21-70
Eugene J. Weiss to be advised of
2-18-70 agenda. 2-4-70
Atty. Cypen requested deferment
to 2-18-70. 2-4-70
Fleetwood Hotel suit: Tobias Simon
appearance re fees; to meet with City Atty. 2-18-70