Rent Control_June 1973RENT CONTROL 10
Meeting Date
Res. calling spec. elec. 11/6/73 to decide
if City of M.B.Charter should be amended to
empower them to control rents requested by
Councilman Dr. imon Wikler. City Atty. to
obtain Enabling Act; submit opinion; and to
obtain Atty. Gen'l. opinion re: Act and rent
control 6/6/73
First reading or Ordinance amending Chapter
17A of City Code by repealing and rescinding
pre-existing chapter and adding new chapter
entitled "Housing and Rent Control Regulations"
Introduced by Vice Mayor Goodman. To be hear .
and have 2nd reading July 18, 1973.
Meeting Date
Councilman Magnes requested City Atty. to prepare
rent control ordinance for 2nd reading at next
m etinq, which will include all necessaryude-
ines and willcomply wit a constitutional
requirements. Councilman Weinstein suggested
City Atty. contact State Legislators Alan Becker,
Barry Kutun and Paul Steinberg, discuss proposed
Ordinance with them. City Mgr. to give sufficient
advance notice to all persons (landlord & tenant
organizations) re: public hearing on 2nd
reading of Ordinance.
Second and final reading of Ordinance amending
Chapter 17A of City Code by repealing and re-
scinding the pre-existing chapter and adding a
new chapter "Housing and Rent Control Regula -
Resolution calling spec. elect. 11/6/73 to
amend City Charter to empower City to Control
rents within M.B. withdrawn by Councilman
Dr. Wikler.
Meeting Date