Rent Control_October 1973RENT CONTROL 16 Meeting Date and proposed amendments submitted, and to prepare appropriate ordinance for 11/7/73 meeting. 10/3/73 Council voted to accept majority report and minority report of Commission, all supplemental reports and amendments, inclusive of Vice Mayor Goodman's and Councilman Wiklers: and the City Atty. to prepare appropriate ord. for 11/7/73. 10/3/73 Councilman Dr. Wikler's motion that an immediate rent freeze be imposed in City until such time as rent control ord. will be considered at meeting of 11/7/73, failed to receive a second. 10/3/73 RENT CONTROL 17 Meeting Date City Atty. Wanick advised that by virtue of submission of Commission's reports, members had fulfilled their duties, and Commission was automatically disbanded. He also advised that any members of Commission who so desired, could testify as individuals representing their own interests, during consideration of the ordinance. 10/3/73 Discussion of a proposal to create a position of Rent Commissioner, a new dep't. under City Mgr., proposed by Vice Mayor Goodman, whose motio'to direct City Mgr. and City Atty. to initiate procedures leading to the creation of a Rent Commissioner Dept., under City Mgr. Also, to immediately search for a professional RENT CONTROL 18 Meeting Date to staff this dep't. to implement formation of an appropriate ordinance on rent control, patterned after New York State law; to advise Atty. Genii. of direction the City is taking and request his opinion as to the constitutionality and legality of this direction, carried. Council declined to act on Dr. Wikler's motion to place consideration of an immediate rent freeze on agenda of this meeting. 10/17/73 City Mgr. asked to schedule subject of rent control legislation on 11/21/73 agenda, with all ordinances prepared by City Attorney and all other interested parties. Councilman Dr. Wikler