Rent Control_Janaury to November 1974RENT CONTROL 24 Meeting Date supersedes and stays the operation and effect of the lower court's decree. He also advised that to prevent economic & financial chaos, landlords and tenants, neither one knowing their rights, the Council await decision of Fla. Supreme Ct. before trying to enforce Rent Ordinance.Motion made by Councilman Sahl and seconded by Counc. Dr. Wikler, to enforce provisions of Rent Control ordinance until Supreme Court renders decision 1/23/74 Councilman Dr. Wikler proposed a substitute for City Atty. be designated, to defend appeal of Rent Control case in Supreme Court, and sub- mitted names of 3 attys. for Council's use. 2/6/74 RENT CONTROL �5 Meeting Date Following lengthy discussion City Atty. was authorized and directed to retain best person available as co -counsel. 2/6/74 Hearing continued to Dec. 11, 1974, at 11/20/74 2:00 p.m., for the repealing of existing Chapt. 17A of the City Code and adopting a new Chap. 17A, providing for the regu- lation of rents of housing accommodations, etc. (1st reading 10/16/74). Workshop session to be held on Monday, Dec. 9, 1974, at 4:00 p.m.. Prior to Workshop Session, City Atty.to meet RENT CONTROL Discussion of Fla. Supreme Court decision on Rent Control Ord. Requested by Mayor Rosen and Councilman Dr. Haber. City Atty. authorized to 1) proceed with filing of petition for re- hearing including extension of time for filing the petition; 2) select counsel in his discre- tion to assist him in petition for rehearing and all motions concerning rent control, including the preparation of a new ordinance. Admin. di- rected to prepare studies, in cooperation with City Atty. substantiating the existence of an emergency. An Ord. providing for rent control, with an Oct. 16, 1974 freeze date, was PASSED ON FIRST READING. Hearing and 2nd reading scheduled 2 5A Date 10/16/74