Rent Control_October 1974 to January 1975RENT CONTROL (Cont' d) for Nov. 20, 1974. Councilman Dr. Wikler's motion to impose an immediate 60 -day rent freeze, failed of passage. City Mgr. reported that funding required for Admin. of rent con- trol is available and that a report identifying sources of funds will be forthcoming at a fu- ture meeting. 25B Date 10/16/74 RENT CONTROL 26 (cont'd) Date with Professors Boyer and Ritter of U. of Miami, Mr. Stanley Kaufman, Mr. Jack Sobel and other interested persons, to draft ord. for review and discussion at Workshop. City Atty., to invite Professors Boyer and Ritter, Mr. Kaufman, Mr. Sobel and all other interested persons to attend Workshop Session. Councilman Weinstein requested that landlord and tenant organizations and members of Coun- cil submit suggestions to City Atty., for con- sideration for inclusion in proposed ordinance. RENT CONTROL Hearing concluded, Ord. No. 74-2018 adopted, as an emer enc measure, repealing existing Chap. 17A of City Code and adopting new Chap. 17A, providing for regulation of rents of housing accommodations, etc.. (continued from 11/20/74). 11/20/74 27 Date_ 12/11/74 Letter dated Dec. 30, 1974, to Mayor Rosen 1/8/75 requesting payment for consultant services re: preparation of the Rent Control Ord. (City Atty. reported receipt of bill for services of Mr. Jack Sobel). Motion to defer and give City Mgr. and City. Atty. opportunity to meet with parties in- volved was approved by Council.