Rent Control_May to July 1976RENT CONTROL Appearance by Chairman of Rent Stabilization Committee, re: Res. urging new rent survey. 1) Mr. Eugene Weiss correspondence on Rent Survey. 2) Memo from Rent Control Director. Following lengthy discussion, Council approved the taking a a new survey and directed City Mgr. to obtain proposals for conduct thereof, including cost factors for various levels of surveys, and the reliability factor. Following comments of V.M. Haber, Council directed City Clerk to send telegram to Governor Askew expressing Council's belief that the measure adopted by Legislature RENT CONTROL (continued) forbidding municipalities to adopt ordinances controlling prices for products or rents, was destructive of Home Rule Act and not in best interests of people of M.B. 43 Date 5/19/76 6/3/76 44 Date 6/3/76 Selection of firm to conduct vacancy survey for 6/16/76 Rent Control. Preliminary report rendered by Rent Control Director. Discussion held on pro- posals by various research firms. Action de- ferred. Special meeting to be called by City Mgr. with definitive recommendation to be submitted to Council, if available prior to 7/7/76 meeting. Memo #5764 presented, containing tabulation 6/23/76 of proposals and Administration's recommendation RENT CONTROL (continued) that proposal of First Research be accepted, subject to City's specifications dated June 4, 1976, as amended by addendum dated June 17, 1976, for fee of $11,350.00; further recommending approval of transfer of funds from Account No. 2936-1-000 to Account No. 0370-1-212. Res. #76-15068 adopted, accepting proposal of First Research. Transfer of funds approved. 45 Date 6/23/76 Consideration of separating Rent Control vacancy 7/8/76 survey into economic categories. Requested by Councilman Spaet, Not reached. Deferred to July 21, 1976.