Rent Control_March 1977RENT CONTROL 58
(continued) Date
that this matter would be subject of continued
meeting to be held on Thursday, March 24, 1977,
at 3:00 p.m. Councilman Dr. Haber requested
that City Atty. provide a written memorandum
as to procedures to be followed by Council with
respect to placing the rent control item on bal-
lot; the legal requirements of doing so and the
legal requirements and consideration regarding
a possible extension of rent moratorium, for
guidance when these matters are considered at
the meeting on March 24, 1977. Councilman
Meyerson also requested that City Atty. as well
as members of Administration, be prepared to
give Council options as to what Council can do
to protect the people by virtue of the 3/16/77
(continued) Date
moratorium and at the same time to be able to
take advantage of a Countywide election (sched-
uled for June 7, 1977). Verbatim of discussion_
furnished to affected department heads. 3/16/77
Appearance of Atty. Ira Abrams to request an 3/16/77
extension of Rent Increase Moratorium. De-
ferred to March 24, 1977 meeting.
Mr. Ira Abrams, Atty. appeared and presented 3/24/77
request for extension of rent increase mora-
torium on behalf of Tenants Assn. of Fla. and
a group of Roney Plaza tenants. City Atty.
pointed out that present moratorium expires on
April 30, 1977 and he recommended that, in the
(continued) Date
best interests of the community, Council defer
action so as to protect the legal validity of
the extension of rent moratorium. He advised
that during the intervening period, the Council
take the opportunity to make a further deter-
mination as to whether or not an emergency does,
in fact, exist, with respect to rental facilities.
Council deferred action to April 20, 1977, at
2:30 p.m. Administration directed to gather data
from all available sources within the community,
whether individual members of the community, or
an agency or an organization having knowledge of
such information to aid the Council. 3/24/77