Rent Control_June to July 1977RENT CONTROL 67
Councilman Spaet's motion to extend rent mora- 6/9/77
torium, expiring June 15, 1977 for a period of
30 days, failed of passage.
Discussion held on litigation pending before 6/22/77
Judge James Earnest, relative to constitution-
ality of recently enacted State law limiting
powers of municipalities to control rents. At
request of Council, Dr. John Ritter, City's
special atty. in connection with rent control,
appeared and concurred in action proposed by
Councilman Meyerson that Judge Earnest be re-
quested to certify this question directly to
Florida Supreme Court. Res. #77-15375 adopted,
requesting Judge Earnest to take action to
(continued) Date
certify this question to Supreme Court. (Lan-
guage of resolution to be formulated by City
Atty.) 6/22/77
(NOT ON AGENDA) report of City Atty. re: Final 7/6/77
Judgment entered by Circuit Court Judge James H.
Earnest invalidating the Referendum Rent Control
Ord. on 2 grounds: 1) the Ord. is in conflict with
City's Charter, and 2) the Ord. is in violation of
State of Florida Statute. City Atty. advised that
an appeal will be taken directly to the Fla. Su-
preme Court.
Request of Mr. Frank Reiner, President of Tenants 7/20/77
(continued) Date
Assn. of Fla., Inc. to discuss pending rent
increases. Mr. Reiner not present when matter
was first heard. Mr. Shepard Davis spoke on
this subject, together with Item R -1C. Public
hearing called for Wed. Aug. 10, 1977, at
10:00 a.m. for purpose of hearing complaints or
nor complaints in relation to landlord -tenant
problems. Councilman Spaet suggested that Dade
Delegation be invited to attend hearing. Dis-
cussion held on State Statute 403 and its provi-
sions for declaration of an emergency and place-
ment of rent control question on ballot. City
Atty. advised that prior to placement of rent
control question on ballot, the Act requires a 7/20/77