Rent Control_July to November 1977RENT CONTROL 70
(continued) Date
second hearing to be held at which testimony of
expert witnesses must be heard. Mr. Davis advised
that Tenants' Assn. would pay for same. Councilman
Weinstein requested a report from City Atty. prior
to Aug. 3 meeting, advising Council as to steps
that must be followed to implement Statute 403. 7/20/77
First reading given ord. amending Ord.#77-2083, 8/17/77
providing for the 7th member to serve as Chair-
man, the Chairman to be nominated by the present
co -Chairmen and voted upon by a majority of the
Brd. (7th impartial member shall vote only in
case of a tie.) Hearing and second reading
scheduled for 9/7/77, at 2:00 p.m.
Hearing held and concluded, Ord. ##77-2103 9/7/77
adopted, amending Ord. #76-2083 to provide
for appointment of 7th member to Landlord -
Tenant Brd., to serve as impartial chairman;
said chairman to be selected by present 2
co-chairman of the Brd. and to be approved
by majority of Brd. chairman to vote only
in case of a tie, (first reading 8/17/77).
No action taken on request of Councilman Sahl 10/5/77
that City aid tenants of certain buildings who
have not received rebates on overcharges in re-
gard to rent litigation. City Atty. opinion
rendered that City should not intervene. Coun-
cilman Sahl indicated he would place this
(continued) Date
item on the agenda again at a future date. 10/5/77
Appearance of Atty. John A. Ritter to discuss 11/2/77
statements for legal services. Deferred to
Nov. 16, 1977.
Appearance of Mr. Shepard Davis to discuss
Rent Control. (Placement requested by Mayor
Haber.) He discussed the City's represen-
tation of tenants with respect to certain
court proceedings involving excess rent
charges which are presently pending or may be
filed. Matter deferred to adjourned meeting
to be held on Monday, Nov. 21, 1977, at 3:30 pm.
Commission requested that all interested parties
be noticed, and indicated it would hear only