Rent Control_December 1977 to May 1978RENT CONTROL 76
(continued) Date
Stabilization. (Set by Commission on 11/16/77).
(See Landlord and Tenant Arbitration Brd. card
of this date.) 12/21/77
Appearance of Mr. Richard Kanner, City's Special 12/21/77
Counsel in Rent Control litigation, to discuss
payments due him (requested by Commissioner
Malek). Not reached, deferred to Dec. 29, 1977.
Appearance of Mr. Richard Kanner, City's Special 12/29/77
Counsel in Rent Control litigation, to discuss
payments due him, (requested by Commissioner
Malek). City Atty, advised Commission that
Mr, Kanner was not entitled to the payments in
contention. A motion to approve payment to
(continued) Date
Mr. Kanner, died for lack of a second, 12/29/77
Mr. Shepard Davis appeared and was heard on 1/4/78
status of rent bonds, (deferred from 12/21/77).
City Atty. gave Commission an update of Rent
Control litigation.
Request of Mr.Shepard Davis and members of 1/18/78
Tenants Assn. of Florida, Inc., to discuss
pending rent refund litigation, heard.
Mr. Shepard Davis , Brd. Chairman of Tenants 4/19/78
Assn. of Fla.,Inc., appeared and made request
to discuss the implementation of Senate Bill
403 -- permitting the City Commission to
verify rental vacancy rate to determine
(continued) Date
Wosibility of an emergency.Commissioner
einstein requested that Administration place
matter on May 3, 1978 agenda and City Atty. was
directed to present his recommendations and
procedures under the law. 4/19/78
Request of Mr. Shepard Davis, Brd. Chairman, 5/3/78
of Tenants Assn. of Fla.,Inc., to discuss
implementation of Senate Bill 403 --permitting
City Commission to verify rental vacancy rate
to determine possibility of an emergency.
Deferred to May 17, 1978, at 4:00 p.m, Time
Request of Mr. Ssiepard Davis, Brd. Chairman of