Rent Control_November to December 1979RENT CONTROL 100
(continued) Date
Commissioner Daoud an opportunity to meet with
City Atty. to discuss preparation of two ordi-
nances: one which would establish a limitation
on rent increases and would afford protection to
month-to-month tenancies; the other which would
protect tenants who are age 55 or over so they
will not be forced out of a building that turns
condominium, but be allowed to live there accord-
ing to the rental scale they are paying. 11/21/79
Request of Commissioner Alex Daoud to discuss 11/21/79
Rent Control Ord. and Condominium Conversion
Ord. See Summary Letter of 11/7/79 (goldenrod),
Related Item R -5A for action. (R -5A of 11/7/79
deferred to 12/5/79.) (See Condominiums)
Report re: status of rent refunds to resi-
dents of Roney Plaza and Seacoast Towers.
Mr. Shepard Davis appeared and advised
Commission as to outcome of master's report
with respect to these items, and proposed that
Commission take some action to take part as
amicus curae. The matter was referred to City
Atty. for review and comment, with copies of
Master's findings to be distributed to members
of City Commission and Administration.
Memo #7835, ord. amending Ord. #79-2175, being 12/5/79
the Unconscionable Rent Increase Ord. regulat-
ing and prohibiting unconscionable rent
increases of housing accommodations, by pro-
viding an amended definition of unconscionable
rent increase and new method of computation for
same; repealing all ordinances in conflict; and
providing for an effective date . (Requested
by U.M. Dr. Simon Wikler) (Deferred from 11/7/79)
Deferred pending housing workshop being held.
Reiner/Davis RE: Rents and Rights -
Mr. Shepard Davis appeared and requested
scheduling of a workshop to hear this subject
fully, and also suggested town hall meetings
be held periodically. Mayor Meyerson indicated
that information on desired legislation repealing
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