Republican National Convention_July 1972 to August 1972REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION '72
Meeting Date
Ratification of Republican contract use
of Convention center for national convention
deferred to 8/2/72, at request of City Mgr.
City Mgr said he was not prepared to make
recommendation re: non -delegate campsites for
Repub. Conv. and asked Council to defer the
matter. Council voted a special meeting on
Aug. 14, 1972 to hear all interested parties. 8/2/72
Councilman Haber requested City Mgr. to make
his report available to Council before date
of special meeting.
Meeting Date
Mayor Hall referred to City Mgr. a communica-
tion from National Assoc. of Social Workers
relative to campsites for non -delegates for
review and comment.
Meeting Day
iES. 13689 adopted formally requesting Pres.
axon to make Corps of Engineers site avail-
able to City as a campsite for non -delegates
and City Atty directed to prepare resolution. 8/2/72
RES. No. 13693 approving contract with Repub. 8/2/72
Nat'l. Comm. for use of Convention Center for
Republican Nat'l. Conv. with deletion of provision
pertaining to offering of free refreshments
to officials, delegates, etc.
Hearing conducted re: use of Flamingo Park 8/2/72
for non -delegates during convention and
Council voted to authorize use as a campsite.
Authorized City Mgr. to promulgate such
reguttions as are necessary for protection