Resolutions-Commending_November 1949 to August 1950&sr,IottoCoo\rreO,A_9 RESOLUTIONS - COMMENDING Res. #7065, commending Y.M. & Y.H.A. for sponsoring Community Concert Series 11/23/49 29 61+ Res. #7219, commending Rotary Club for its resolution on law en- forcement 6/28/50 29 433 Res. #721+6, commending Messrs. Bennett, Bertrnan and Davidson for reviewing 1950 real property tax roll 8-2-50 29 510 9 Book Page R ,SOLUTIONS - COMME TDLN(= - 10 Book Page Res. 7320, commending Sou. Bell T & T 11/1/50 30 150 Res. 7321, commending Fla. P & Light 11/1/50 30 150 Res. #7347, commending Eastern "ir Lines 11/22/50 30 196 Res. #7355, commending Eustace Adams 12/7/50 30 220 Res. #71+98 commending Marschal Rothe 3/21/51 30 483