Resolutions-Commending_June 1951 to February 1953RESOLUTIONS - COMMENDING 11. Book Page Res. #7636 commending Harold Turk 6-6-51 31 206 Res. #7646 commending Planning Board and Citizens Planning Committee 6-6-51 31 238 Res. #7715 commending City Engr. Morris N. Lipp 8-1-51 31 423 Res. #8108 commending U. of M. Symphony Orchestra and others for concerts 9-10-52 33 244 Res. #7801 commending Dr. and Mrs. Scott 10-3-51 32 88 RESOLUTIONS - COMMENDING 12. Book Page Res. #8121 expressing Council's appreciation of Kotaro Suto's contributions to community 9-17-52 33 266 Res. #8207 commending Wm. B. MacDonald, Jr. for sponsorship of International Four -Ball Jamboree, benefiting St. Francis and Mt. Sinai Hospitals 12-24-52 33 446 Res. #8258 commending the Better Business Bureau 2-18-53 34 12 RESOLUTIONS - COMMENDING 13 Book Page Res. #8279 commending John Serbin, Otto Fenias and Henry Cove for their efforts in connection with Cerebral Patsy Golf Tournament 2-25-53 34 27 Res. #8388 commending Maurice Klein and committee for work in operating Servicemen's Center 5-20-53 34 278 Res. #8399 commending Councilman Burbridge (retiring) 6-3-53 34 298 Res. #8400 commending Councilman Powell for outstanding job as Mayor 6-3-53 34 299