Resolutions-Commending_November 1963 to September 1964RESOLUTIONS - COMMENDING Res. 411104 commending George Beebe, Manaaing Editor of Miami Herald for coorainating the Associated Press Managing Editors Convention held at Americana Hotel. 11-20-63 46 291 Res. #11120 commending Lee Hills of Miami Heraldfor planning# International Associated Press Association convention held recently and for bringing the late President Kennedy to this area. 12-18-63 46 350 Res. #11121 commending William MacDonald for his part in promoting Liston-Clay fight at M.B. Convention Hall. 12-18-63 46 351 20 Book Page RESOLUTIONS -COMMENDING 21 Book Page Res. 411285 commending City employees for services during and after Hurricane Cleo. 9-2-64 47 203 Res. 411286 commending M.B. Sun in connection with Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City. 9-2-64 47 203 Res. 411350 commending Norman Good for his work in connection with the United Fund Drive. 1-6-65 48 308 Res. #11518 commending former Mayor and Councilman Kenneth Oka 5-19-65 49 78 RESOLUTIONS -COMMENDING 22 Book Page Res. #11535 commending Bernard A. Frank, former Councilman. 6-2-65 49 106 Res. 411536 commending Hyman P. Galbut, former Councilman. 6-2-65 49 107 Res. #11596 commending Danny Thomas on securing Americ an Football League franchise for Greater Miami. 8-18-65 49 234 Res. #11601 commending Carol Lynn Blum, Miss Florida. 9-1-65 49 250