Resolutions-Commending_October 1965 to January 1967RESOLUTIONS -COMMENDING 23
Book Page
Resolution to be prepared commending
city employees and others for handling
difficulties during Hurricane Betsy.
10-7-65 49 329
Res. ##11651 adopted commending various
parties for part played in Hurricane
"Betsy". 11-3-65 49 399
Res. ##11728 commending Paul M. Bruun for
his faith in future of City of M.B. by
establishing an enlarged newspaper plant
in City. 2-2-66 50 75
Res. #11733 commending M. B. Rotary Book Page
Club for successful culmination of
asphalting cinder track at Flamingo
Park. 2-2-66 50 85
Res. #11734 commending M. B. C of C
for successful culmination of asphalting
cinder track at Flamingo Park.
2-2-66 50 85
Res. #11735 commending Marks Bros. Co.
for successful culmination of asphalting
cinder track at Flamingo Park.
2-2-66 50 85
Res. 411796 commending Standard Bran.°s,Inc.
for donation of mammoth birthday cake in
front of Convention Hall in recognition
of 50th Anniversay of City of M.B.
3-16-66 50 209
Res. 7o be prepared commending Sol Z.
Bennett upon his election as
frresident of American Institute of
Real Estate Appraisers. 12-21-66 51 284
Res. #f2020 commending S.Z. Bennett on
his election as President of American
Institute of Real Estate Appraisers.
1-4-67 51 307