Resolutions-Commending_February 1969_August 1971RESOLUTIONS - COMMENDING Res. #12626 adopted (intro. by Vice Mayor Malek)commending organizations re public rally to be held in Aud. on 2/13/69, in this connection. 2/5/69 54 170 ffiv BOOK PAGE Res.#12702 wishes Judge Murray Goodman well 357 as Criminal Court Judge. 4/16/69 54 366 Res.#12706 congratulated South Shore Hospital administrators. 5/7/69 54 395 Mayor Dermer requests City Atty. prepare resolution commending Miami Heart Institute re. heart transplant. 5/7/69 54 397 RESOLUTIONS - COMMENDING 30 Book Page Res.#12716 commends Miami Heart Institute.5/12/69 54/424 Res.#12753 commends Doc & Mrs. Klein for devotion to duty in operation of Servicemen's Center. 6/4/69 54 470 City Atty. to prepare resolution commending Miss Barbara Goleman, 1969 Teacher of the Year. 6/11/69 54 497 RES.12799 commends Astronauts, Meeting date wishing them Godspeed to Moon. 7-16-69 RESOLUTIONS - COMMENDING 31 Date Policeman F. Young for recent police action, 1/20/71 by Mr. Magnes. Res. #13202 to Sen Geo. Hollahan for services 2/3/71 to State. Res. #13289 to M.B. High baseball team. 5/18/71 Res. #13306 commending Susan Burnside, 7/7/71 Miami Herald Reporter, for her objectivity and sympathetic understanding in her re- cording of the government functions. Res. #13331 commending Sam Goldstein for his 8/4/71 services on the Personnel Board of the CMB