Resolutions-Commending_August 1971 to January 1973RESOLUTIONS - COMMENDING (cont' d) for 16 yrs., 3 as Chairman. 32 Date 8/4/71 Res. #13332 commending Walter Kaplan, for 8/4/71 services on the TDA and as Chairman. Resolution of appreciation to be presented 8/19/71 to Planning Commission & Board. Res. #13412 commending Rose Anderson, a 10/6/71 valued employee in the Social Service Dept. exceptional service rendered above and be- yond the course of duty in relation to the needy of the community. RESOLUTIONS - COMMENDING Officers Richard Tobin and Jack Grover for P.A.L. Children's Boxing program on 10/20 agenda. 33 Date 10/6/71 Res. #13693A adopted, commending Henry x/2/72 Gilman. Res. #13730A commending retiring Fire Chief 9/6/72 Hubert Albritton. Presentation of scroll made to Mr. Stanley 11/15/72 Glatter by M.B. Taxpayers Assoc. Res. # 13810 adopted, expressing Council's appre- ciation to Mr. Glatter for services per- formed. RESOLUTIONS - COMMENDING 34 Date Res. #13844, Mrs. Sophie Primak for services 12/20/72 in giving monthly book reviews at M.B. Public Library. Res. #13845 recognizing Hebrew Academy and its 12/20/72 accomplishments on 25th Anniversary. Res. #73-13852 adopted commending Nor Isle 1/3/73 Optimist Club.