Sewers Bell Telephone System_March 1973 to April 1976SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM 19 Meeting Date Memo 3930., Res. 73-13948, adopted authorizing execution of lease with So.BellTel. & Tel.Co. for cgntrex 11 Electronic Switching System for months. 3/7/73 (ADD-ON) Res. #74-14564 adopted, authorizing 12/11/74 City Atty. to attend rate increase hearings before Florida Public Service Commission re: Southern Bell's application, Jan. 14-17, 1975. Res. #75-14780 adopted, urging So. Bell Tel Co., 8/6/75 Fla. Power & Light Co., and Peoples Gas System to establish sub -stations for payment of utili- ties bills. Proposed by Councilman Weinstein. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM 20 Memo #5270, establishment of " Date 911" Emergency 8/6/755 Telephone System. Res. #75-14782 adopted, authorizing City Mgr. to negotiate agreement with So. Bell, submit system to Div. of Com- munications for approval; apply for and accept any Fed. or State funding assistance. Appearance of Mrs. Mildred Falk to report on So. Bell Tel & Telegraph Co. public hearing to request rate increase. Requested by Mayor Rosen. Mrs. Falk rendered oral report. Mr. David Hilowitz appeared and requested adoption of a resolution protesting the 8/6/75 9/17/75 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM 21 (cont'd) Date Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., rate increase now pending before the Public Service Commission and was advised that Council had already taken that action. City Atty. advised that, in accord- ance with the Res. the City of M.B. became a party to that proceeding and he, as City Atty. is Coun- sel of Record, representing the City. 9/17/75 Reaffirming establishment of a 911 Communi- cations System and encouraging Dade Co. and Southern Bell to meet commitments contained within 911 guidelines. Res. #76-15017 adopted. (NOT ON AGENDA) 4/7/76