Southern Bell Telephone System_November 1977 to November 1978SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM Councilman Sahl requested City Atty. to insti- tute legal proceedings against Southern Bell Telephone in protest of recent increases in telephone charges and rates. City Atty. re- quested to prepare a written report for Caun- cil regarding procedures that should be fol- lowed if the City Council determines to inter- vene or file suit. 25 Date 8/17/77 Memo #6589, 911 Emergency Communication System. 11/16/77 Res. #77-15489 adopted. During appearance re: Item R -7J (Island View 12/29/77 property), Mr. Bennett commented with respect to new franchise. No action, taken. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM 26 (continued) Date Administration to submit report. 1229/77 Discussion of franchises with Florida Power & 3/20/78 Light Co. and Southern Bell Tel. & Tel., (re- quested by V.M. Wikler). City Clerk directed to provide transcription of questions posed by U.M. Wikler concerning the franchises of FP&L and Southern Bell, and City Mgr. and represen- tatives of utility companies were requested to respond to same. (See Fla. Power & Light Co.) Discussion of Energy Committee, Rapid Transit 5/3/78 Vote and voting machines (requested _hy Com- missioner Wikler)(deferred from 4/19/78). SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM 27 (�ontinued) Date City Mgr. and City Atty. directed to ascertain cost of retaining an advisor or firm for purpose of considering acquiring by condemnation the dis- tribution system of FP&L Co. City Mgr. to seek proposals for a party to negotiate a new franchise with So. Bell. (See Energy Committee and FP&L Co.)5/3/78 Commissioner Wikler presented a proposed ord. 11/1/78 as an interim measure, until a franchise agree- ment is entered into, which would provide, among other things, for the payment of a gross revenue fee of 2% by unfranchised utilities for operating over and on City property. Mayor Haber urged that S. Bell issue substantial payment for use of City facilities for this past year, since the