Southern Bell Telephone System_November 1978 to January 1979SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM 31 (continued) Date what is to take place following this Commission meeting, it was the understanding that City Mgr. would continue negotiations; that Commission had no objections to acceptance of $50,000, whether it be on account or whatever, and in addition that administratively City Mgr. and City Atty. have right to do what they will with permits. Commissioner Wikler requested City Mgr. to take into consideration two items relative to tele- phone service scheduled as Items 7C and 7D on this agenda. 11/15/78 Memo #7239, removal of Public Coin Telephones 12/6/78 from City property (requested by Commissioner Sahl). A motion to call a public hearing to SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM 32 (continued) Date consider removing all public coin telephones from public property, and to discuss all aspects of Southern Bell franchise, failed by a vote of 3 to 3. Commissioner Sahl requested that this item be placed on the T/3//9 agenda at a time certain, tor consideration by a full Commission. 12/6/78 At request of Commissioner Sahl, discussion of 1/3/79 matter of removal of public coin telephones from City property, deferred from Dec. 6, 1978, to be placed on Jars. 17. 19]9 agenda at 11:15 a.m. Time Certain. Discussion of matter of removal of public coin 1/17/79 telephones from City property (requested by SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM 33 (continued) Date Commissioner Sahl). (Deferred from 12/6/78, Time Set at 1/3/79meeting) Memo #7239 Revised. In view of on-going negotiations, matter withdrawn by Commissioner Sahl who substituted item concerning ERA. Commissioner Sahl presented proposed resolution to with- draw support of ERA because of economic sanc- tions taken by various women's groups against those states, including the State of Florida, which have not adopted the ERA. No action taken. (See ERA) 1/17/79 Memo #7306, Southern Bell franchise agreement 1/17/79 negotiations and timetable. For information only. City Clerk was requested to notify County