Automobiles & Trucks_September 1965 to March 1966AUTOMOBILES 8, TRUCKS Contract for 5 automobiles for Police. Dept. awarded to Austin Ford Truck Sales $10,625.00 56. Book Page 9-1-65 49 262 Contracts awarded for automobiles for various departments. .Autos purchased without trade-ins, old cars to be sold to highest bidders. Bid for automobile for Fire Chief rejected. 10-20-65 49 348 Contract for automobile for Fire Chief awarded to Fincher Motors, $3,794.69 11-17-65 49 437 AUTOMOBILES & TRUCKS 57 ,4 1 Book Page Bids for/delivery vans and/utility truck rejected and re -advertisement authorized. 3-2-66 50 137 Bids for "Truckster" 780 type gasoline powered motor scooter rejected. Council approved purchase of"Truckster" on informal basis. 3-16-66 50 201 Contract forplatform dump truck awarded to Courtesy Ford, $3,027.84. (for Park Dept.) Discussion re. leasing equipment. 4-13-66 50 222 AUTOMOBILES & TRUCKS Contractsawarded for 3 Vespa 2 -wheel motorcycles and 3 Harley-Davidson 2 -wheel motorcycles. 4-13-66 50 223 58 Book Page Contract awarded for 3 6-cyl. "Walk -In" Delivery Vans and 1 1 -ton general utility truck . 4-13-66 50 223 Contracts awarded for truck equipment for Sanitary Dept., Park Dept. and Beach Patrol. 6-22-66 50 379 Contract awarded for truck tractors to Hunt Truck Sales, $15,396. 4-19-67 51 559