Southern Bell Telephone System_January to March 1979SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM (continued) of possibility that City will be placing this matter on the ballot for the Special Election scheduled for 5/8/79. (See Elections) 34 Date 1/17/79 Memo #7338, report on S. Bell Franchise agree- 2/7/79 ment. Per instructions of Commission, City Mgr. polled members and a workshop meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 13, 1979, at 3:30 p.m. re: City Atty., NOTE: This special meeting/was held at the con- 2/13/79 clusion of the Workshop meeting called for this date concerning the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company franchise negotiations. (See City Atty. Wanick) SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM 35 Date Memo #7354, ord.assed on first reading, hear- 2/21/79 inq and second re6dinq set for j//I/y of 2:0'p— p.m.re: an ord. of CMB, Fla., authorizing South- ern Bell T & T CO. to use public streets and other public property of CMB, Fla., for purpose of erecting, constructing, maintaining and operating lines, poles, conduits, cables and other fixtures of telephone and telegraph there- on and thereunder; providing for compensation to be payable to CMB, Fla., for said purposes, pro- viding for a term retroactive to Jan. 11, 1978, and providing an effective date. Commissioner Wikler expressed his intention to pursue with the Public Service Commission, an expansion of the special exceptions to the 25 coin telephone SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM (continued) rate applicable in nursing homes, governmental low rent housing, public schools, etc., where a 10 rate is in effect, to include coin tele- phones in public parks and recreational facili- ties. 36 Date 2/21/79 Memo #7354, Revised- hearing held and concluded, 3/7/79 re: an ord. of CMB, Fla., authorizing Southern Bell T & T Co. to use public streets and other public property of CMB, Fla., for purpose of erecting, constructing, maintaining and operating lines, poles, conduits, cables and other fixtures of telephone and telegraph thereon and thereunder; providing for compensation to be payable to CMB, Fla., for said purposes, providing for a term