Southern Bell Telephone System_April to May 1979SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM 40
Memo #7467-A, Res. #79-15888 adopted, for the 4/25/79
memorialization of The Public Service Commis-
sion to schedule a series of rate hearings in
Dade Co. for the purpose of taking testimony
relative to a variety of issues affecting
S. Bell T & T Co. (Requested by Commissioner
Friedman) (See Public Utilities)
Canvass of Special Election held May 8, 1979,
Commissioners Malek and Wikler appointed to
serve on Canvassing Committee of Special
Election held May 8, 1979. Res. #79-15910
adopted, declaring results of Special Election
held May 8, 1979 as follows:
QUESTION NO. 1 - approved, ratifying Ord.
(continued) Date
No. 79-2152, granting 25 -year franchise to
Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company.
(See Special Election - May 8, 1979) 5/16/79
Resolution of City Commission of C.M. B. 5/16/79
authorizing City Mgr. with assistance from
City Atty. to intervene in next General Rate
Case instituted before Florida Public Service
Commission, the purpose of such intervention
being to seek a reduction in rates from 25
to 10 for local calls made from public coin
telephones located on government-owned property.
(Requested by Commissioner Dr. Wikler) Defer-
red to May 23, 1979 meeting. (See Florida, State of)
Res. #79-15922 adopted, as amended, authorizing
City Mgr. with assistance from City Atty., to
invervene in next General Rate Case instituted
by or affecting S. Bell T & T Co. before Fla.
Public Service Commission, purpose of such inter-
vention being to seek a reduction in rates from
25G to 10c for local calls made from public coin
telephones located on Government owned property.
(Requested by Commissioner Dr. Wikler) (See
Florida, State of) (Res. amended to re -state
Commission request to hold hearings in Miami)