South Florida Employment And Training Consortium (SFETC)_December 1978 to April 1979SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING 1 CONSORTIUM (SFETC) Date Memo #7246, Res. #78-15792 ado ted, authorizing 12/6/78 execution of agreement andeT signating City Mgr. to be representative of City of Miami Beach. V. M. Weisburd suggested that public and City's employees be advised of effect of changes in CETA regulations and impact on City budget and employees. Administration directed to explore ways to reduce its dependency on SFETC and Reve- nue Sharing funds and to seek other methods of funding. (See Comprehensive Employment Training Act (Manpower Revenue Sharing Grants)) City Mgr. advised that he was in possession of 12/20/78 new SFETC regulations which he will make avail- able for Commission's examination, and extended SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING 2 CONSORTIUM (SFETC) Date an invitation to Commission to attend Consortium meeting scheduled for Dec. 21, 1978. 12/20/78 Memo #7468, Res. #79-15892 adopted, authorizing 4/25/79 execution by Mayor and City Clerk of modifica- tions to certain existing agreements between S.F.E.T.C., A/K/A, THE SOUTH FLORIDA CETA CON- SORTIUM, and CMB for performance of certain pro- grams under Comprehensive Employment and Train- ing Act of 1973, as amended. Memo #7491, Res. #79-15904 adopted, authorizing 5/2/79 City Mgr. to execute a professional services agreement with SFETC to provide funding for said division.